―TFT Technologies and FPD Materials―
June 29 - July 2, 2021
Ryukoku University Avanti Kyoto Hall, Kyoto, Japan ONLINE Meeting


Shoot the Future on the New Platform

Keynote Address

"Modulation Spectroscopies for the Characterization of Electronic Properties
in Organic Semiconductor Devices
Prof. Hiroyoshi Naito (Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan)

"Novel Passivating Contacts for Si Photovoltaics"
Dr. Takuya Matsui (Nat'l Inst. of Advanced Industrial Sci. and Technol., Japan)

Special Symposium

"The Future Vehicle Displays"


"Variety of TFT Technologies for Emerging Applications "
"Advanced Materials and Processes for Next Generation PVs"
"Development of Fabrication and Analysis for Thin Film Devices"

Special Session

"Next Stage of Displays"



Jun. 7
Advance Program, Time Table is updated.
Jun. 7
Instructions for Presentation is updated.
Jun. 2
Deadline for Advance Registration Discount has been extended. New deadline is June 10, 2021.
Apr. 9
Late news paper submission pages are opend.
Mar. 22
Registration pages are opend.
Mar. 15
Paper submission pages are opened.
Mar. 10
Deadline for camera-ready paper has been extended. New deadline is
April 4, 2021.
Feb. 26
"Registration" and "Paper submission" are scheduled to open in early March.
Feb. 26
AM-FPD'21 Final Call for Papers is released.
Jan. 20
AM-FPD'21 website is open.


We decided to issue the endorsement letters for excellent papers to "IEEE Journal Electron Device Society" (J-EDS) or "ECS Journal Solid State Science to Technology" (JSS).
1. Please select which journal you wish to get the endorsement letter when you submit a paper to AM-FPD.
2. Endorsement letters will be issued to excellent paper from the AM-FPD committee after AM-FPD'21 workshop is held.
3. After you receive the endorsement letter,
  • Please attach your paper of AM-FPD'21 and the endorsement letter when submitting your manuscript to each journal.
    • You make sure to add in your reference list when you reuse the contents (figures/ tables) used in your paper of AM-FPD'21,.
IEEE J-EDS web-site
ECS-JSS web-site
Please register your ID and password before submission your manuscript to each journal.

IMPORTANT DATES (on schedule)

Deadline for Submission of Camera-Ready Paper: March 15, 2021 April 4, 2021 (Japan Standard Time)
Acceptance notification will be sent to authors by the end of April, 2021
Deadline for Submission of Late-News Paper: April 30, 2021 (Japan Standard Time)
Deadline for Advance Registration Discount: June 2, 2021 June 10,2021 (Japan Standard Time)